we.learn.it – Building a living learning network across European schools

we.learn.it is an initiative supported by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions. We are drawing on a core consortium of we.learn.it project partners and a wider network of organizations and individuals. Please get in contact with us – if you are interested to support this initiative.

In the second half year of 2013 we.learn.it will come to life – a brand new Internet portal and initiative for schools in Europe. A lot of creativity and exploration already happens in European schools. we.learn.it will support this with people, ideas, tools and money. We will also help schools to find out about each others’ projects and make connections throughout Europe. In particular, we support projects by young people and schools that…

  • Create something: a film, a piece of music, a scientific experiement …
  • Contribute to general interest: a solution for a social problem, engaging for the community …
  • Help to create specific skills and knowledge not typically taught in schools

We call these projects Learning Expeditions. We want to promote inquiry-based learning opportunities (and especially discovery learning) for young learners. We want to develop creative thinking skills by allowing learners to find different ways to answer a question, learn something new, solve a problem.